R.I.P.P.L.E. Pilot Takes Off
A pilot study is something researchers do on a small scale to examine feasibility, to identify effective methods, to determine goals and to resolve problems before implementing the project on a larger scale. I am grateful to two school principals and their guidance counselor for agreeing to participate in the pilot. We are in week three, and teachers have graciously opened up their classrooms for observations and assessments of the seven students. This phase takes a while so I can record baseline data for each student and narrow in on how best to help each one individually. The data also helps to determine treatment priority for each of the middle school students in the study. The first behaviors to address might be blurting out, out of seat, off-task time and inappropriate interactions with peers. Skills deficits will also come into play, so I am researching ways to teach and support executive functioning like impulse control, focus, mental flexibility and social skills.