PLS offers The RUBI Autism Network's Parent Training Series a program based on principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) designed for therapists to use with parents of children with disabilities such as autism spectrum disorder and co-occurring challenging behaviors, such as tantrums, noncompliance, difficulties with transitions, and aggression. A trained therapist conducts the workshop and guides the parent in applying techniques and tools to help manage the child’s challenging behaviors.
Led by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), RUBI Parent Training includes 11 90-minute sessions, program materials/workbook, 2 home visits and 2 telephone booster calls. Additional sessions/consultations on additional topics are also available as an add-on to customize the program.
Classes are held at PLS Therapy & Learning Center at 13121 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 200, Jacksonville, FL 32225
Call (904) 491-2111x3 or email or more information.